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Цевье Strike Industries VOA Handguard for Mossberg 500/590 shotguns - Back

Модель: Цевье Strike Industries VOA Handguard for Mossberg
Цена: 705руб.60коп.
В рассрочку: 776руб.16коп.

Цевье Strike Industries VOA Handguard for Mossberg 500/590 shotguns - Back

A handguard designed for Mossberg 590/500 shotguns equipped with M-LOK system mounting holes. Made of milled 6061 aluminum.

Thanks to numerous perforations, the construction maintains strength while reducing weight, it also provides a comfortable and secure grip.

When pushed back to the rear position, the handguard does not overlap the breech chamber. This allows the use of cartridge holders. 

The M-Lok standard (10 holes) allows the use of both grips and hand alloys, as well as tactical lighting.

Installation and use of the handguard may require removal of the heat shield. Not compatible with shotguns with 14-inch barrel lengths in 590 Shockwave, 500, 535, Maverick 88 and AOW models

Technical data
Material: 6061 aluminum
Color: Black
Manufacturer: Strike Industries, USA


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